Conferencia: "Prototyping cultures: social experimentation, do-it-yourself science and beta-knowledge"

Thu, 04-11-2010; 01:00 hasta Fri, 05-11-2010; 01:00

Sala José Castillejo 0D1

Prototypes have acquired certain prominence and visibility in recent times. Software development is perhaps the case in point, where the release of non-stable versions of programmes has become commonplace, as is famously the case in free and open source software. Developers are here known for releasing beta or work-in-progress versions of their programmes, as an invitation or call for others to contribute their own developments and closures.

Organized by: Alberto Corsín Jiménez (IH, CCHS-CSIC) y Adolfo Estalella (IH, CCHS-CSIC)

Conferencia: "Prototyping cultures: social experimentation, do-it-yourself science and beta-knowledge"
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