
De la vida de Francisco de Osuna (ca.
China’s rise is having a large impact on the global science system. The internalisation of this system in the past two decades would not have been possible without the outbound and especially the return flows of overseas Chinese scientists.
Salvo en contadas excepciones residuales, la democracia es el régimen por todos aceptado, aunque con variantes de fondo muy grandes y con riesgos varios.

Kings, aristocrats, peasants, and the Church are among the shared features of most early medieval societies. However, these also varied dramatically in time and space. Can petty regional kings, for instance, be compared to those in charge of a whole empire? Scale is a crucial factor in modelling, explaining, and conceptualizing the past.

Judith Farré (ILLA) y Beatriz Ferrús (UAB) publican el Tratado sobre la redondez de la Tierra
Judith Farré (ILLA) y Beatriz Ferrús (UAB) acaban de publicar en UNC (University of North Carolina Press) la primera edición crítica en español del Tratado sobre la redondez de la Tierra, ensayo cosmológico y geográfico nacido de la “ciencia infusa” (conocimento transmitido por la divinidad), atribuido a Sor María de Jesús de Ágreda (Ágreda, Soria, España, 1602-1665)