Seminario y exposición: "Picasso and his support to the spanish exiled artists. Guernica In Stockolm and Swedish solidarity art"

Mon, 04-12-2023; 00:00 hasta Tue, 05-12-2023; 00:00
Otras sedes

4 /12.: Instituto Cervantes, Bryggargatan 12 (Estocolmo, Suecia)
5 /12.: Museo Waldemarsudde, Prins Eugens Väg 6 (Estocolmo, Suecia)

Seminario y Exposición

Lunes 4, 18 hrs. Mesa Redonda e inauguración. Instituto Cervantes, Bryggargatan 12 (Estocolmo)

Picasso and his help to Spanish artists in exile. Swedish Brigadist Rudolf Berner and his support for artists.

- Juan Manuel Bonet “Perpignan, Toulouse, Paris: cities of the Spanish art exile”

- Miguel Cabañas (IH-CSIC) “Picasso, and his support to the Spanish exiled artist” (video)

- Per Lindblom, “Berner the Swedish anarquist and his work for the artists in concentration camps”

- Javier Campillo, The exile in Picasso´s Paris of Spanish artists (1939-1944). Carles Fontseré.”


Martes 5, 18 hrs. Mesa Redonda 2. Museo Waldemarsudde : Prins Eugens Väg 6 (Estocolmo)

Picasso and his help to Spanish artists in exile. The Swedish connection, Guernica in Stockholm and the Swedish art of solidarity with Spain.

- Amanda Herold: "Picasso, of the Spanish artistic exile (a multifaceted support)".

- Genoveva Tusell: "Guernica's travels, including his two visits to Stockholm (1938, 1956)."

- Cecilia Widenheim: "Swedish artists in solidarity with Republican Spain."

- Michel Lefebvre-Peña:


Organiza: Embajada de España en Suecia

Seminario y exposición: "Picasso and his support to the spanish exiled artists. Guernica In Stockolm and Swedish solidarity art"
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Dpto. de Historia del Arte y Patrimonio
Historia del Arte y Cultura Visual