Symposium on Jewish and Hebrew Books at Marsh's Library
Venue: Marsh's Library, St Patrick’s Close, Wood Quay (Dublin, Ireland)
The symposium will explore the fascinating collection of Hebrew and Jewish materials in the Library, examining the various social and cultural factors that led to this substantial collection ending up in Dublin in the early modern era.
Presenters at the symposium will include:
- Emile Schrijver (University of Amsterdam/ Jewish Cultural Quarter): “Hebrew Manuscripts Since the Invention of Printing”
- Michelle Chesner (Columbia University/Footprints Project): “Footprints in an Irish Tone: The Marsh’s Library, its Jewish Books, and their Travels to Dublin”
- Javier del Barco (ILC-CSIC): “The Oxford Period in Marsh’s Collection of Hebrew Books”
- Rahel Fronda (Oxford University/Bodleian Library): “Marsh’s Legacy in Oxford: Bodleian Library as a Home for his Manuscripts”
Organized by: Irish Research Council.