Moscoso Pérez

Redes sociales
I went to college at the University of Deusto in Bilbao, where I became fond on hermeneutics. I obtained my Ph.D. in Political Sciences in 2007 at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, where I have been teaching as an adjunct for a number of years. My research ever since has revolved around the normativity in Modernity. My first project had to do with moral education and the predicaments of school in multicultural societies, while in my postdoctoral period I`ve been focused on the notions of inbuilt inferiority applied to people with disabilities and the cultural representations of abnormal embodiments in media.
I have been a visiting researcher at the Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, US) University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and I have been a postdoctoral researcher at Temple University Philadelphia, US) as well as a JAE DOC researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), where I had the chance to apply my interest in norms to applied ethics. and I joined the Project the Responsabilidad causal de la comisión por omisión: Una dilucidación ético-jurídica de los problemas de la inacción indebida[Ref. FFI201453926R], funded by MINECO. As a result of my research, a monography and a total of 23 peer-reviewed articles have appeared, as well as six book chapters. Since July 2018 I work as a tenured scientist at the Instituto de Filosofía of the Spanish Research Council.
Moscoso Pérez, M (2012) Las aventuras de la legitimidad:educación en valores y modernidad. Plaza y Valdés Madrid
Moscoso, M.,; Platero, R. L. (2017). Cripwashing: The abortion debates at the crossroads of gender and disability in the Spanish media. Continuum, 31/3. pp.468-479.
Moscoso Pérez, M. (2015). "Nombrar la deformidad física: Breve reflexión en torno al término discapacidad y sus usos recientes". Encrucijadas - Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 10(0).
Moscoso Pérez, M. (2013). "De aquí no se va nadie”: Del uso del discapacitado para el aleccionamiento moral", en Constelaciones, Revista de Teoría Crítica, nº 5.12
Moscoso Pérez . M. (2013). "La discapacidad, a escena". ADE Teatro: Revista De La Asociación De Directores De Escena De España, (148), 96-98
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